HolyCoast: Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed

There's a new kids book out that drawing the ire of lefties - Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed. James Taranto writes this about it:

Yesterday we noted that Andrew Sullivan has been waging a one-man witch-hunt against "Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed," a cute children's book that tells the story of a pair of boys who open a lemonade stand only to be beset by an army of liberal regulators.

Sullivan appears not to have actually read the book, but judging it by its cover he declares it an exercise in Maolike "ideological indoctrination." On Monday he declaimed, "This is not a fringe book. It's #44 on Amazon!" No doubt thanks in part to Sullivan's campaign, it has since soared to No. 29.

So what's Sullivan's beef with this book? We suspect it has to do with the scene in which the boys hang a picture of Jesus on their lemonade stand and "Mr. Fussman of the LCLU" shows up to demand they replace it with a picture of a big toe. Once again, Sullivan is taking a brave stand against toe-mophobia.

Annoy a liberal - give this book to their kids.

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