HolyCoast: "That Is a Question for Somebody Else"
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Sunday, September 11, 2005

"That Is a Question for Somebody Else"

How about this exchange between Stone Phillips and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin:
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said Friday that it wasn't his fault city school buses weren't mobilized to facilitate the Hurricane Katrina evacuation he ordered.

Appearing on NBC's "Dateline," Nagin was asked by host Stone Phillips: "What was mobilized? I mean were national guard troops in position. Were helicopters standing by? Were buses ready to take people away?"

"No. None of that," the Big Easy mayor replied.
"Why is that?" an incredulous Phillips asked.

Nagin replied: "I dont know. That is question for somebody else."
Can you imagine what the press reaction would have been if Rudy Giuliani had responded like that in the aftermath of 9/11? And he didn't have 4 days warning. Amazing...just amazing.

And then there's this:
Up until yesterday, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin had refused to join critics who say that Hurricane Katrina rescue efforts were slow because the majority of the storm's victims were black.

In an interview Saturday with the New Orleans Times-Picayune, however, Nagin said his thinking had evolved.

"The more I think about it, definitely race played into this,” he told the paper.
"How do you treat people that just want to walk across the bridge and get out, and they’re turned away, because you can’t come to a certain parish?" the embattled mayor complained. "How do resources get stacked up outside the city of New Orleans and they don’t make their way in? How do you not bring one piece of ice?

"If it’s race," said Nagin, "fine, let’s call a spade a spade, a diamond a diamond. We can never let this happen again.

"Even if you hate black people and you are in a leadership position, this did not help anybody,” he added.
Since Nagin didn't do much to help black people...or anybody else, can we assume based on his comments that he hates black people?

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