HolyCoast: You Might Be a Lefty Blogger If...
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Thursday, September 08, 2005

You Might Be a Lefty Blogger If...

I normally stay away from the Huffington Post for fear I might catch something, but Greg Gutfeld has written a hilarious piece on the qualifications for becoming a HuffPo blogger. Here's just a sample of some of his questions:

Which of the following countries have you threatened to move to (check all
that apply):
- France
- Canada
- Monaco has no taxes, right?

-Can you work the phrase "tipping point" into a sentence, without actually
reading the book, "The Tipping Point," or even understanding what this
tipping point thing is? Can you pretend to know something without knowing

Do you have a black and white picture of yourself, with your chin resting
comfortably on your fist? When you stare at this picture, do you get a
warm fuzzy feeling, not unlike urinating down your leg?

have you ever written any poetry?
-it doesn’t rhyme, does it?
-are you a man?
-if so, when you tell people you’re a poet, do they immediately realize they’re going to have to pay for dinner?

It just gets better and better - read the whole thing.

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