HolyCoast: BBC's Global Election - Did Jimmy Carter Count These Votes?
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Sunday, October 02, 2005

BBC's Global Election - Did Jimmy Carter Count These Votes?

The BBC ran a little global election to choose 11 people to run a fantasy world government. You're not going to believe the people chosen by the 15,000 participants:
1 - Nelson Mandela
2 - Bill Clinton
3 - Dalai Lama
4 - Noam Chomsky
5 - Alan Greenspan
6 - Bill Gates
7 - Steve Jobs
8 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
9 - Richard Branson
10 - George Soros
11 - Kofi Annan
As Charles at Little Green Footballs accurated described it: "We're doomed."

And how did the leader of the free world fare in this little contest?
US President George W Bush was placed 43, ranking below two of his fiercest adversaries on the world stage, Fidel Castro - 36th - and Hugo Chavez, 33rd.

Yeah, I want these people choosing our leaders. By the way, Hillary Clinton came in 16th.

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