HolyCoast: Gay Church Attempts to Rip-off Dobson
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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Gay Church Attempts to Rip-off Dobson

I guess if you can't beat 'em, steal their name. The Metropolitan Church, a gay oriented organization, thought they'd be cute and rip-off a famous evangelical organization's name. Didn't work:

The installation of a new leader of the predominantly homosexual Metropolitan Community Church, held at the Washington Cathedral yesterday, was to be accompanied by the announcement of a new program called "Focus on the Human Family," but attorney's for Dr. James Dobson's "Focus on the Family" intervened to protect the Christian ministry's trademarked name.

The Reverend Nancy Wilson was installed as the Presiding Bishop as scheduled, but not before MCC committed to removing the "Focus on the Human Family" name from its website. The service's program followed the original theme of "Unfinished World, Unfinished Calling," but references to the disputed name were not to be found.

Wilson, who in 1976 became the youngest person ever elected to the MCC Board of Elders and has served as an Elder since that time, takes over the denomination from Troy Perry, who founded it in 1968. Wilson lives with her partner of 27 years, Dr. Paula Schoenwether.

"It's a bit puzzling," said Wilson. "The ministry of Metropolitan Community Churches is so different from that of James Dobson. His group tends to focus on one kind of family, what they often mistakenly call the "traditional family." In Metropolitan Community Churches, we believe that God's people find many ways to create family, and that includes gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender families."

Looks like a straight beats a pair of queens.

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