HolyCoast: The Left's Morality Stops at the Water's Edge
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Left's Morality Stops at the Water's Edge

Richard Cohen is quickly becoming my favorite liberal columnist. A few days ago he gave a pretty good justification for overturning Roe v. Wade, and today he has a quote about the left which is right on the mark (h/t Political Diary):
"Both JFK and FDR were Democrats, of course, and the party has always been associated with internationalism -- everything from the League of Nations to the United Nations. Somehow, though, that moralism -- that urge to do good abroad -- has drifted over to the GOP. It is Republicans, particularly neocons, who talk the language of moralism in foreign policy and who, weapons of mass destruction aside, wanted to take out Saddam Hussein because he was a beast. It mattered to them that he killed and tortured his own people. It says something about the Democratic left that it cheered Michael Moore's infantile 'Fahrenheit 9/11' even though the film made no mention of Saddam's depredations, not even his gassing of Kurdish villages. Moore's morality stops at the water's edge"

If he's not careful, he might find himself coming over from the dark side.

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