HolyCoast: Muslims vs (Your Team Here)
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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Muslims vs (Your Team Here)

The bombing in Bali sort of puts a lie to the notion that all Islamic terrorism is the fault of the U.S. and our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. What do the people in Bali have to do with any of that?

Some will point out that Bali is a favorite vacation spot for Australians, and Aussies are part of the war on terror, but that's way to simplistic a view. The fact is radical Islam doesn't care who you are or what you do as long as you're not "one of them". Here's Mark Steyn's take on that subject:
I found myself behind a car in Vermont, in the US, the other day; it had a one-word bumper sticker with the injunction "COEXIST". It's one of those sentiments beloved of Western progressives, one designed principally to flatter their sense of moral superiority. The C was the Islamic crescent, the O was the hippie peace sign, the X was the Star of David and the T was the Christian cross. Very nice, hard to argue with. But the reality is, it's the first of those symbols that has a problem with coexistence. Take the crescent out of the equation and you wouldn't need a bumper sticker at all. Indeed, coexistence is what the Islamists are at war with; or, if you prefer, pluralism, the idea that different groups can rub along together within the same general neighbourhood. There are many trouble spots across the world but, as a general rule, even if one gives no more than a cursory glance at the foreign pages, it's easy to guess at least one of the sides: Muslims v Jews in Palestine, Muslims v Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims v Christians in Nigeria, Muslims v Buddhists in southern Thailand, Muslims v (your team here). Whatever one's views of the merits on a case by case basis, the ubiquitousness of one team is a fact.

"Men of intemperate mind never can be free; their passions forge their fetters," wrote Edmund Burke. And, in that sense, Bali is more symbolic of the Islamofascist strategy than London or Madrid, Beslan or Istanbul. The jihad has held out against some tough enemies: the Israelis in the West Bank, the Russians in Chechnya; these are primal conflicts. But what's the beef in Bali? Oh, to be sure, to the more fastidious Islamist some of those decadent hedonist fornicating Westerners whooping it up are a little offensive. But they'd be offensive whoever they were and whatever they did. It's the reality of a pluralist enclave within the world's largest Muslim nation that offends. It's the coexistence, stupid.

So even Muslims v (your team here) doesn't quite cover it. You don't have to have a team or even be aware that you belong to any side. You can be a hippie-dippy hey-man-I-love-everybody-whatever-your-bag-is-cool backpacking Dutch stoner, and they'll blow you up with as much enthusiasm as if you were Dick Cheney. As a spokesman for the Islamic Army of Aden put it in 2002, explaining why they bombed a French oil tanker: "We would have preferred to hit a US frigate, but no problem because they are all infidels."
The clueless "peace" minions who marched in Washington a couple of weekends ago just don't realize that the guys we're fighting would have gladly blown up their Code-Pink, MoveOn.org, or Cindy Sheehan-loving butts if they could have had half a chance. You can spout all the peace and love you want, but if you're an infidel...and even if you're basically on their side, you're toast with the radical Muslim crowd the first chance they get a crack at you.

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