HolyCoast: NRSC Spending Campaign Funds to Attack Republicans
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

NRSC Spending Campaign Funds to Attack Republicans

The National Republican Senatorial Committee, a fund raising arm for the GOP to promote the election of Republican Senators, is spending its donations in Rhode Island to campaign against...a Republican (from Political Diary):
Republicans vs. Conservatives

Donors to the National Republican Senatorial Committee are raising questions about its priorities. This week, the NRSC put up its second TV ad in a month attacking conservative Steve Laffey, the Cranston, R.I. mayor who is challenging incumbent liberal Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee in a primary. The NRSC is currently spending more money on negative advertising against a Republican than it is spending to soften up any Democrat -- and that includes Bob Casey, who has built a near-double digit lead against GOP Senator Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania.

The NRSC's latest ad uses a cartoon format to attack Mr. Laffey's record as mayor. Its main theme is that Mr. Laffey used taxpayer dollars to soundproof his mayoral office and ordered "spy cameras to spy on city employees." But, as political reporter John Miller points out, the cameras were set up to monitor the activity of union workers who were notorious for not performing their duties. The local Teamsters union bitterly attacked Mayor Laffey when the cameras revealed lax behavior. Sounds like good Republican city management procedures, which makes it all the sadder that the NRSC has decided to use its donor money to side with the union rather than the taxpayer.

Meanwhile, Mr. Laffey is showing some strength in fundraising, having brought in about $380,000 in contributions in the last three months -- almost $100,000 more than Mr. Chafee, an incumbent with access to endless political honey pots.

Sen. Chafee is a renowned RINO (Republican In Name Only) who often votes with the opposition on social issues. Thanks to a famous family name, he's managed to keep getting elected despite the fact that he's a Republican in a heavily Democratic state. From time to time there have been rumors of his impending defection ala Jim Jeffords, but so far he's remained in the GOP camp.

His primary opponent is a conservative who could probably be counted on to vote with the GOP on many more issues than Chafee will, but the fear is that a conservative cannot be elected in Rhode Island, and failure to support Chafee would almost guarantee a Dem victory.

I can understand that the GOP thinks it important to retain this seat, and therefore will side with the incumbent. However, I have a problem with the NRSC spending funds against a fellow Republican, especially when they are in effect supporting a guy who only half-heartedly supports the values and goals of the party.

It would be very wise for the NRSC to knock off the negative campaign against Laffey lest they further inflame conservatives and find their campaign resources running low as donations dry up.

; ;

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