HolyCoast: The Pause That Refreshes
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Friday, October 21, 2005

The Pause That Refreshes

HolyCoast.com will be in a brief recess until Sunday night while the Mrs. and I travel to Las Vegas for a weekend of hedonism and debauchery**. Check back here on Sunday night and hopefully by then I'll have some pictures up.

Here's a little homework while I'm gone. Rod Dreher at The Corner reports the following:
George F. Will's next column just moved on the wire. It's about the Miers nomination, of which Will does not approve in the same way that Sitting Bull did not approve of Custer, and let me tell you, it is a masterpiece. It's embargoed till Sunday, so I can't post any of it, but ... well, look, if I were a pro-Miers Republican, I would dread getting out of the bed and opening the paper on Sunday. It's that powerful.

Look for it - you'll probably be able to find it at RealClearPolitics.com on Sunday morning (sometimes they have a link by Saturday night). I'll post a link when I get back.

**There won't actually be any hedonism and debauchery - I just wrote that because it sounded better than "shopping". That and I wanted to see how many weirdos showed up here because they were searching Google for "hedonism" or "debauchery".

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