HolyCoast: Terrorist Tips From Scotwise
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Friday, October 21, 2005

Terrorist Tips From Scotwise

My buddy John Brown at Scotwise, a great Christian site from the Land Down Under, had this photo on his site which I just had to "borrow" (h/t Blogotional):

As someone who will be flying at least 4 times between now and January, this is pretty good information. I'll be watching the parking lot carefully at John Wayne Airport as I leave for Las Vegas later today.

By the way, if you're looking for good Christian encouragement, you need to check in at Scotwise every day. John always has some good stuff there.

By the way, while I'm recommending other sites, SCBA buddy Bill Rice has reentered the fray after a few month absence following the birth of his beautiful little girl. Bill writes at By Dawn's Early Light and has an international relations emphasis. Very interesting reading for those who want to get the big picture.

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