HolyCoast: The Islamic Version of Omerta
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Islamic Version of Omerta

If you've ever watched any shows on the Mafia, you're familiar with the law of Omerta, which roughly translated means "if you speak, you die". One year ago, moviemaker Theo van Gogh was murdered in the Netherlands by Islamic radicals who objected to the portrayals of Muslims in his movies. A new form of Omerta has now settled into The Netherlands: (h/t Little Green Footballs):
One of the consequences of the murder of Theo van Gogh has been that many people in the Netherlands have become more cautious about making statements about subjects such as Islam. Fear of threats, or actual threats, have seen columnists, politicians and entertainers and satirists become more likely to exercise self-censorship. This restriction on the freedom of expression is therefore not government imposed but a response to the fear of violence.
If there is no criticism of radical Islam in countries like The Netherlands...and probably soon also in France, there will be no stopping the eventual takeover of the country and its culture.

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