HolyCoast: Off With Their Thumbs!
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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Off With Their Thumbs!

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman is a former criminal defense lawyer for some of the more unsavory elements that used to run things in Las Vegas (you know what I mean). Hizzoner has some interesting ideas about crime and punishment in Sin City:
Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman has suggested that those who deface freeways with graffiti should have their thumbs cut off on television.

Goodman, appearing Wednesday on the ``Nevada Newsmakers'' television show, said, ``In the old days in France, they had beheading of people who commit heinous crimes.

``You know, we have a beautiful highway landscaping redevelopment in our downtown. We have desert tortoises and beautiful paintings of flora and fauna. These punks come along and deface it.

``I'm saying maybe you put them on TV and cut off a thumb,'' the mayor added. ``That may be the right thing to do.''

Goodman also suggested that whippings or canings should be brought back for children who get into trouble.

``I also believe in a little bit of corporal punishment going back to the days of yore, where examples have to be shown,'' Goodman said.

``I'm dead serious,'' said Goodman, adding, ``Some of these (children) don't learn. You have got to teach them a lesson, and this is coming from a criminal defense lawyer.''

``They would get a trial first,'' he added.
And he probably knows some guys who have expertise in the area of separating people from their parts.

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