HolyCoast: Christian TV Network Panics at the Thought of Offending Muslims
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Friday, December 02, 2005

Christian TV Network Panics at the Thought of Offending Muslims

The Trinity Broadcast Network - you know the station with the purple-haired sobbing lady host - has cancelled a long running show on their network due to fears the show would offend Muslims:
After insisting the pre-emption of Hal Lindsey's television show had nothing to do with content, a Trinity Broadcasting Network spokesman retracted his statement, admitting officials were concerned, at least secondarily, about offending Arabs and Muslims.

As WorldNetDaily reported, John Casoria, general counsel for the network, responded yesterday to Lindsey's contention that the weekly program "International Intelligence Briefing" had been canceled for December, and possibly permanently, because its message was deemed "too pro-Israel and too anti-Muslim."

Casoria initially replied, "That is absolutely, 100 percent false."

But now, after talking with network programming officials, he says a secondary reason for pre-empting the show was that it "placed Arabs in a negative light."
I never watch TBN, though I frequently pass their opulent studio complex in Costa Mesa. If you ever want to see what heaven would look like if Liberace designed it, just take the studio tour. It's all mirrors, gold and gaudy. It must have taken the Social Security money of millions of little old ladies to pay for all of that.

I'm a little surprised the network backed off from programming that might be offensive to Muslims. They've always been pretty in-your-face with the gospel (and the fund-raising). I wonder if they've received threats and have decided to tone it down lest one of their leaders "lose their head" over the issue.

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