HolyCoast: C'mon Guys, Blow Yourselves Up!
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Sunday, December 11, 2005

C'mon Guys, Blow Yourselves Up!

Looks like the recruiting of suicide bombers is starting to let up and the bigwigs at al-Qaeda are getting worried (I wonder if there will be any media stories about the terrorists failing to meet their recruiting goals). There's a little bit of desperation in the latest al-Qaeda video from bad guy marketing guru Ayman al-Zawahiri:
"But this latest one even goes beyond that with al-Zawahiri pledging allegiance to the Taliban," he said. "The whole thing is an address to Muslims, saying armed jihad and struggle is the only way and that they have to suffer to do it."

Al-Zawahiri also bemoaned the lack of support for Al Qaeda-linked militants in Saudi Arabia, saying the mujahedeen had suffered "defeat" amid a high-profile anti-terror campaign by Saudi authorities.

"These idolatrous regimes achieve victory over us because each one of us wants to save his own skin and avoid harm for himself," al-Zawahiri said on the tape.

"As long as this malignant illness continues to survive within us, there is no hope for victory and there can only be more defeats, tragedies, disasters and betrayals."
You see, the problem here Ayman, is that you can no longer convince enough of your fellow dipsticks to join the jihad, and unless you can find a bunch more guys who prefer their brains scattered for 100 yards rather than firmly contained in their skull, it's going to be a little tough to keep up the intensity.

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