HolyCoast: Crazy Aunt Bethany Calls the Dems Cowards
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Crazy Aunt Bethany Calls the Dems Cowards

Helen Thomas, the crazy Aunt Bethany of the White House press corps, and written a piece in which she blasts the Dems for a lack of courage:
It's about time that the "me too" Democrats, particularly those in Congress who vote with the Republicans so often, stand up and be counted.

Too many Democrats are tiptoeing around the major issues facing our nation, afraid to venture out of the mainstream. This is a big mistake at a time when the nation is begging for true leadership.

Democrats with the courage to be leaders could have a field day pointing out that millions of Americans lack health insurance and that 37 million have fallen below the poverty line. Soon they will no longer be able to claim that theirs is a caring political party because they won't have evidence that this is true

It's a classic liberal wail. You can read the rest here.

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