HolyCoast: Doesn't This Guy Ever Read a Paper?
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Friday, December 09, 2005

Doesn't This Guy Ever Read a Paper?

Earlier this week some nutcase from Arkansas jumped the fence at the White House (no, it wasn't Bill). However, there was a Clinton connection:
An Arkansas man who was arrested after he jumped the fence onto the White House grounds this week reportedly was after Chelsea Clinton -- not anyone from President George W. Bush's family.

According to a court-ordered report from the D.C. Department of Mental Health, Shawn Cox, 29, thought Clinton still lived at the White House. He thought he was destined to marry her.
Now that I think about it a bit, I can see how he'd make that mistake. Clinton is such a media hound that he's always on the news doing something somewhere. I guess if you weren't paying close attention you might just believe that he was still in office.

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