HolyCoast: President's Information Campaign Working
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Saturday, December 03, 2005

President's Information Campaign Working

President Bush's efforts to combat the gloom-and-doom daily press conferences by the Dems is working. After weeks of negative reporting, both from the press and from the Dems they laud, the poll numbers on the war are dramatically improving.

President Bush's campaign to rebut claims by Democrats that the U.S. is losing the war on terror has already begun to pay big dividends - according to a new Rasmussen survey released Friday.

Confidence that the U.S. will ultimately prevail has jumped dramatically, up 9 points in the last six weeks, reports Rasmussen.

Just 39 percent of Americans believed the U.S. was winning in a survey taken in mid-October - with 34 percent believing that the terrorists were winning.

But in a survey completed on Dec. 1, 48 percent were confident of a U.S. victory - and only 28 percent said the terrorists were likely to win.

Predictably, Republicans were most optimistic, with 74 percent saying they expect the terrorists to be defeated - up ten percent from a month ago.
Only 28 percent of Democrats now predict victory for the U.S. (I wonder how many Dems are actually rooting for defeat - HC.)

Even with the dramatic jump in support, the improved numbers may be understated - since Rasmussen surveyed "adults" as opposed to "registered" or "likely" voters, who tend to trend more conservative in most polls.

I'm sure the White House is taking note of the improving polls, and will continue to talk about the successes in the GWOT. They can't let the Dems continue to paint a negative picture and let that go unresponded to.

Want an example of Dem idiocy on the GWOT? Just read Sen. Gary "Monkey Business" Hart's vapid opinion piece in the Rocky Mountain News. He needs to go back to his boating honeys and leave the war on terror to the grown-ups.

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