HolyCoast: Terrorists Threatening to Kill Their Allies
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Friday, December 02, 2005

Terrorists Threatening to Kill Their Allies

The "Christian Peace Activists" who have been taken hostage in Iraq are not having a very good time with their allies, the terrorists:

Al-Jazeera television broadcast a videotape Friday in which kidnappers of four Christian peace activists threatened to kill their hostages unless all prisoners in U.S. and Iraqi detention centers are released. The kidnappers gave the two governments until Dec. 8 to meet their demands, Al-Jazeera quoted a statement delivered with the tape as saying.

The tape showed what the broadcaster said were two Canadian hostages. An American and a Briton are also being held. All four appeared frightened.

The Canadians were shown eating from plates of what appeared to be Arabic sweets. In a second clip, the British and American hostages were shown to talking to the camera but no audio was transmitted.

The two were calling on the U.S. and British governments to withdraw from Iraq, Al-Jazeera reported, quoting a statement from the kidnappers, who earlier identified themselves as the Swords of Righteousness Brigade.

This probably isn't very Christian of me, but I'm having a very hard time coming up with any sympathetic feelings towards the hostages. These people went to Iraq to side with our enemies and attempt to identify "atrocities" carried out by American and British forces. They've also been involved with an "adopt-a-detainee" program in which they wrote letters and made other contacts in the defense of terrorists who have been captured by our forces.

At this point, why should the U.S. or British governments give a rat's behind about what happens to these people? If anything, this might be a real good wake-up call to the "peace activitists" of the world as they get a first-hand opportunity to see what kind of people they're allied with.

Do you think they would they rather be in Grab Abu Prison being guarded by U.S. Forces, or in some Iraqi hovel with their current captors? I'll be the Brits and Yanks are looking pretty good by comparison right about now.

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