HolyCoast: 'Tis the Season to be Grumpy
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Thursday, December 22, 2005

'Tis the Season to be Grumpy

Last night the HolyCoast clan decided to spend the evening enjoying the Christmas festivities at the Disneyland Resort. Disneyland was not near as crowded as I would have expected it to be this time of year, and it's probably a good thing, because the folks that were there were clearly on edge. I've never seen so many testy people outside of a Dodgers/Angels game.

After dinner and embarking on a few rides, we decided to cross over to California Adventure, and as we were making our way down Main Street, which was crowded with folks awaiting the parade, we actually saw two guys go nose-to-nose over the fact that one guy had bumped the other with his baby stroller. They were screaming nonsense at each other and were about to go to blows when security stepped in and separated the combatants.

Over at the "Park that Shall Not Be Attended" we saw another example of Christmas cheer. Some lady and her kid decided to cross the parade route in the middle of the Electrical Parade and right in front of the dancing mice. A Disney security guy rushed them out of the street and gave them what for about the fact that the actors can't see very well and she could have gotten run over. The lady went ballistic and at one point was yelling at her husband to go over and have it out with the guard. He wasn't so excited about the idea and she eventually huffed off.

Finally, on the way home we passed the classic liberalmobile. Some Japanese car was literally covered in bumperstickers for every liberal cause you can imagine. Not only was the rear of the car covered, but they had covered the driver's side front and rear doors as well (the other side probably looked the same). This driver was not only ignorant about politics, but he's ignorant about resale value as well because there's no way anybody but a handful of lefty loons is going to buy that car. The only thing that would have made the scene complete was if the car had been some sort of hybrid or electric vehicle. Good luck with all that.

Have a merry last two days of Christmas shopping...and don't forget to carry a gun. It's dangerous out there.

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