HolyCoast: Who Was That Masked Man At Church Last Week?
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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Who Was That Masked Man At Church Last Week?

Just as an interesting side note, last Sunday morning my church had a visitor. During the 11:30 am service Sen. John Kerry was sitting somewhere in the middle section of our 3,200 seat auditorium with his aide (I was in Oklahoma so I wasn't there, but am getting this from sources who have first-hand knowledge). Following the service he was given a tour of Saddleback Church and had a 2 hour meeting with Pastor Rick. The source indicated that one purpose for the visit was to invite Pastor Rick to speak at the 2008 Democratic convention.

Rick has intentionally tried to stay away from politics, though his positions on certain political issues are well known and it would be easy to associate him with a particular party based on those positions. However, you won't hear him come out and endorse candidates or parties.

For him to accept such a speaking engagement would be in my view a terrible mistake, and I'm sure he probably feels the same way (at least I hope so). Why would Kerry want Rick Warren to be showcased at the convention? The only possible reason, given Warren's stated opposition to abortion and other issues dear to the hearts of Dems, is to hope that some of that old Warren magic would rub off on the Dems and maybe buy them a vote here or there among Christians. There can be no other reason.

Certainly some of the goals that Pastor Rick has with the Global Peace Plan will require some political support, and having the government as a partner could be helpful, but not at the risk of appearing to take the side of one party or the other.

Nice try, John, but just as you failed in 2004, I believe you'll fail in this effort as well.

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