HolyCoast: 51% Say Definite "NO" on President Hillary
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

51% Say Definite "NO" on President Hillary

Drudge has an interesting bit from the latest CNN/Gallup poll regarding people's attitudes toward a Hillary Clinton campaign for president:
Wed Jan 25 2006 10:50:26 ET

Most voters now say there's no way they'd vote for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton if she runs for president in 2008 - while just 16 percent are firmly in her camp, a stunning new poll shows.

CNNGALLUP found that 51 percent say they definitely won't vote for Clinton (D-N.Y.) in 2008, another 32 percent might consider it, and only 16 percent vow to back her. That means committed anti-Hillary voters outnumber pro-Hillary voters by 3-1. The poll suggests she can forget about crossover votes - 90 percent of Republicans and 75 percent of conservatives say there's no way they'd back her.
As we all know, things can change in a flash in politics, but after 13 years of positive spin from the press, you'd think that Hillary would be able to muster a little more support.

If you think her negatives are high now, just wait until you have to hear her campaign speeches on TV every night. As Rush says, it's like having your first, second and third ex-wife rolled into one (I wouldn't know - I'm still on my first wife).

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