HolyCoast: Alito Posturing Begins Today
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Alito Posturing Begins Today

The big debate over Judge Sam Alito begins in earnest today with what will surely be a regular gas-bag fest. The speeches will be predictable, though there may be a wildcard or two among the Dems. As I pointed out before, the Dems really need to get the "aye" votes to 60 or better to keep the wackos off their back.

Scott Ott tells us that at least the Dems won't have to worry about the NSA spying on their floor speeches:
January 24, 2006
Bush: NSA Won’t Listen In On Senate Alito Debate
by Scott Ott

(2006-01-24) — President George Bush today promised Senate Democrats that the National Security Agency (NSA) would not secretly listen in to their floor speeches during debate over the Supreme Court confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, even though Democrats have promised to make the legality of NSA wiretaps a major issue during the debates.

“We don’t want to impinge upon the Democrat’s civil rights,” said President Bush, “So I’ve received assurances from the NSA and most other government agencies that no one will listen in on their speeches.”

The president said that Democrat Senators could “speak their minds without fear that anyone will ever hear a word they say.”
Amen, brother.

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