HolyCoast: Alito Will Do His Job, and That Worries the Dems
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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Alito Will Do His Job, and That Worries the Dems

David Broder has a "woe is us" column in the Seattle Times today bemoaning the fact that Judge (and soon Justice) Sam Alito will have the audacity to do his job rather than create rights out of whole cloth. Just look at this passage:
The hearings reaffirmed Alito's 15-year record on the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. He will construe the Constitution and statutes narrowly, and sometimes literally (Egads!-HC), and waste no sympathy on people who come to court hoping for a more expansive interpretation of their rights.
Judge Alito wasn't nominated to the Supreme Sympathy Court. It's not his job to have sympathy for plaintiffs, but to interpret the Constitution...literally. Many of the problems we have in today's society have resulted from judges who have not interpreted the Constitution literally, but have "discovered" rights previously unknown in order to satisfy some sort of social agenda.

Broder apparently wants judges who will base their decisions on the plaintiffs position in society, and not on the their legal standing. And above all, a judge must have a big heart:
And therein lies the irony of this hearing. At no point that I heard did Alito express sympathy for the men and women who came to his court looking for help — and were turned away.
Look, David, if you want sympathy, write a bogus book and go on Oprah; don't come to the Supreme Court. Sympathy has no place in the highest court of law in our country, because their decisions must be made on merits of the case, and the merits only. The Supreme Court is not the nation's highest counseling center.

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