HolyCoast: Chafee Chooses Poorly
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Monday, January 30, 2006

Chafee Chooses Poorly

Senator Lincoln Chafee (RINO-Rhode Island) has made a decision which may cost him the Republican primary. He has chosen to vote against Judge Sam Alito. What a fool.

Chafee has a conservative opponent in the Rhode Island GOP primary this year, Steve Laffey, and I can guarantee you that conservatives all over the country are going to poor money into his campaign (you can donate here).

Can a conservative win a state-wide election in Rhode Island? Who knows, but I'm not sure it's worth having a RINO keep the seat warm if he's not going to support his president or his party on a critical vote like a Supreme Court nomination. Voting against such a highly qualified candidate is foolish enough to keep him out of the Senate as far as I'm concerned.

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