HolyCoast: CNN Banned For Reading Iranian President's Mind
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Monday, January 16, 2006

CNN Banned For Reading Iranian President's Mind

CNN has been banned from reporting in Iran after apparently reading the wacky Iranian president's mind during a lengthy press conference:
Iran on Monday banned CNN journalists from working there after the broadcaster misquoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying Tehran wanted nuclear weapons.

CNN's simultaneous translation of Ahmadinejad's lengthy news conference on Saturday included the phrase "the use of nuclear weapons is Iran's right".

In fact, what the Iranian president said was that "Iran has the right to nuclear energy," the official IRNA news agency reported. CNN later clarified in an apology on Sunday night.
The president said "nuclear energy", but I guarantee you he's thinking "nuclear weapons". He can't achieve his dream of destroying Israel with "nuclear energy". It'll take a bomb.

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