HolyCoast: Dems Eating Their Own (Tastes Like Chicken)
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Dems Eating Their Own (Tastes Like Chicken)

Read Dana Milbank's piece in today's Washington Post for some entertaining information about the self-destruction of the Dem party:
The new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds congressional Democrats in the best position they've held in 14 years, besting President Bush and Republican lawmakers on Iraq, the economy, health care, immigration, ethics and more.

All of which can mean only one thing: It is time for the Democrats to eat their own.

Right on cue, liberal activists including Cindy Sheehan and Ramsey Clark gathered yesterday at the Busboys & Poets restaurant and bookshop at 14th and V streets NW for what they billed as a forum on "The Impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney." But the participants, while charging the administration with "crimes against humanity," a "war of aggression" and even "the supreme international crime," inevitably turned their wrath on congressional Democrats, whom they regarded as a bunch of wimps.

"Does the Democratic Party want to continue to exist or does it want to ignore what 85 percent of its supporters want?" demanded David Swanson, a labor union official who runs "Impeach PAC" and other efforts to remove Bush from office. Singling out Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid (Nev.) for derision, Swanson said that Democrats who do the right thing "are exceptions."
Do you remember the heady days before Nov. 11th, 2005 when the Dems were floating on air and ready to take Washington by storm in '06? Then President Bush decided to start fighting back, beginning with his speech on Veteran's Day and the Dems have been in retreat ever since.

What have the powerful Dems won since then? Nothing. They were completely impotent in the Alito hearing (he'll be confirmed later today), the DNC is running out of money, various prominent Dems are stepping all over each other to get to the microphones and say stupid things. It's a mess...for them. The rest of us are enjoying the whole spectacle.

Common sense and sanity are certainly in short supply among the crowd that gathered yesterday. Just look at this exchange:
After the participants made their urgent calls for impeachment proceedings, John Bruhns, identifying himself as an antiwar Iraq veteran, rose for a clarification. If Democrats don't first "gain control of one of the houses" of Congress, he wondered, "how else can we impeach this monster?"

Swanson had a ready brushoff for Democrats who won't pursue impeachment because they're in the minority: "Just go home if you're going to talk that way." Offering the lessons of 1994, he said: "The way the Republicans got the majority was not by being scared. . . . It was by going out and speaking on behalf of their base and letting themselves be called radicals."

Bruhns, wearing a crew cut and business suit, disagreed. Somebody in the audience called for him to "shut up."

"They didn't answer my question," Bruhns protested after the exchange ended. "How do you get impeachment if you don't win elections? I'm being practical."

Sorry - no room for practicality in the Momma Moonbat left.

If you read any of the far left's response to the failed "filibluster" yesterday, you can see that they have real problems (you can read it here, but be forewarned, this is a civility-free website). The Momma Moonbat left is going to be the cement shoes on the feet of the Dems as they struggle to stay afloat.

The final three paragraphs of Milbank's piece are instructive:
The first questioner, getting into the spirit of the forum, declared of the administration: "These criminals and gangsters, thugs as I regard them, I believe engineered 9/11."

Many in the crowd applauded. But others were skeptical. "I've heard a lot about accountability" from the panel, said one questioner. "Seems to me the first opportunity we had for accountability was in the last election."

"Elections," moderator Zeese replied, "are not the determining factor."
Given that it takes winning elections to have any real power, I'm glad that they don't think too much of them. That way, they can go on their delusional flights of fancy while the GOP keeps winning.

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