HolyCoast: Global Warming Destroys Earth - Blacks Hardest Hit
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Friday, January 20, 2006

Global Warming Destroys Earth - Blacks Hardest Hit

That's sort of a play on the old joke about the fictitious NY Times headline: World Ends, Women and Minorities Hardest Hit. But according to the environmental experts at Black Entertainment Television, if global warming really gets wound up, it will be "people of color" who bear the brunt of the damage:
If you thought Hurricane Katrina was a once-in-a-lifetime fluke, think again. Concerned environmentalists say that unless the United States gets real about the threat of global warming, African Americans and other people of color can expect a repeat of disasters like Katrina.

"When you look at the trends and put them all together, it's indisputablele that the sea levels are rising," says Ansje Miller, director of the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative (EJCC). "Warmer seas mean more intense hurricanes. You're going to have intense flooding like we have never seen before. Katrina is really the hurricane of the future."

Apparently these nasty new storms will ignore us white folks.

For some reason, all of the global warming alarmists, including the EJCC, insist that warmer temperatures will result in more hurricanes, despite the fact that the top hurricane experts in the world say the opposite is true (as posted here in August). And how about this little factoid:
Pollution Worse for Us

Relatively, Blacks are environmental Good Samaritans. Per capita, we emit approximately 20 percent less carbon dioxide than Whites - well below 2020 targets set by the U.S. Climate Stewardship Act. Not only do we use more energy-conserving public transportation, we spend considerably less per capita on energy-intensive material goods.

Yet Blacks are exposed to worse air pollution than Whites in every major metropolitan area. Some charge that the Bush administration has made matters worse by creating new policies, like the Clear Skies Act and the Healthy Forest Initiative, that allow utilities and industries to pollute more. President Bush enraged environmentalists when he opted out of the Kyoto protocol global warming treaty, saying it would harm the U.S. economy.

Which, of course, it would have. Apparently BET thinks that hamstringing the U.S. economy with unrealistic environmental goals would be good for blacks. Maybe that would be true...if they were planning to move to China where such environmental restrictions wouldn't exist.

This whole BET article is silly and scientifically vapid, and trying to make the environment into a racial issue is pure nonsense.

It's also interesting that on the same day that Drudge carried this story, he also carried these headlines: Arctic Temps Blanket Russia... , Cold wave brings disruption to new EU states in East Europe... .

Darn that global warming.

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