HolyCoast: Hillary is Cotton-Picking Stupid
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hillary is Cotton-Picking Stupid

The Martin Luther King holiday gives politicians from both parties a chance to pander to blacks, and many take full advantage of it. Why honor Dr. King's work when you can bash the Bush administration or use slavery references to talk about today's political climate.

Hillary Clinton, reportedly the smartest woman in the world, sounded pretty dumb at Al Sharpton's Racists-R-Us meeting in New York yesterday:
Clinton actually got an easy question. “I need you to tell us what distinguishes Democrats from Republicans right now,” she was asked.

Clinton's answer was provocative.

Said Clinton, “When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation and you know what I'm talking about..."

Some House Republicans took immediate offense at Senator Clinton's choice of words.

Said Republican Congressman Peter King, of Long Island, "It's always wrong to play the race card for political gain by using a loaded word like plantation. But it is particularly wrong to do so on Martin Luther King Day."

I guess that explains all the singing, dancing and banjo playing I heard when I visited the House chamber last summer.

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