HolyCoast: Lynn Swann Ahead by a Safety
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Friday, January 20, 2006

Lynn Swann Ahead by a Safety

Here's some interesting political news from Pennsylvania (h/t Captain Ed):

Our latest poll of the race for Pennsylvania governor shows Republican Lynn Swann, the former receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers, narrowly leading Democratic Governor Ed Rendell 45% to 43%.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of voters view Swann favorably; 47% view Rendell favorably.

Swann formally declared his candidacy just two weeks ago, on January 4. But he has enjoyed early success in securing endorsements from two of six regional caucuses in his quest for the party nomination. The Republican state Committee will endorse a candidate on February 11. ...

Although Swann has just announced his candidacy in a formal sense, he has been visibly preparing for a run for close to a year. If elected, he would be the first black to serve as Pennsylvania's governor.

Governor Rendell has often been regarded as a potential candidate for President. Many believe his popularity helped John Kerry win the state in 2004.

As the Captain points out, not long ago Swann was down by two touchdowns. This can't be good for the Dem strategy in Pennsylvania, as they hope to retain the governorship and win Rick Santorum's Senate seat. If the GOP voters, and others, are energized by Swann, and if Swann campaigns with Santorum, the Dems may have to write-off Pennsylvania as a Senate gain for them in '06.

Go get 'em, Swanny!

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