HolyCoast: Momma Moonbat Arrested Before SOTU
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Momma Moonbat Arrested Before SOTU

It's hard to believe, but Momma Moonbat Cindy Sheehan was given a gallery pass to the State of the Union speech by Lefty Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-Moonbat). The idiot woman was wearing a T-shirt with some protest slogan on it and had it covered when she went in. She then uncovered the shirt and refused to cover it back up when confronted, at which point she was arrested by Capitol Police. She has all the class of a pay toilet.

There's no way that moron should have been allowed in the House chamber with the President. Given her statements and accusations against the President, she is clearly a threat and should never have been passed by the Secret Service.

The good news is, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Sam Alito are sitting on the front row...with lifetime appointments. Up yours, Teddy.

UPDATE: Here's the text of the State of the Union.

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