HolyCoast: NYTimes James Risen: My Leakers Are Patriots
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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

NYTimes James Risen: My Leakers Are Patriots

This from ABC's The Note on James Risen's appearance on the Today show this morning (h/t Powerline):
On NBC's "Today" show this morning, New York Times scribe Jim Risen told Katie Couric that he hopes he will not have to reveal his sources to a grand jury and declared his story to be the exact opposite of the Plame case. Risen claims his sources revealed information for the best possible reasons and he went on to declare those sources "patriots."
Once again, in the liberal lexicon, it matters not what the law is, but how you feel about it. Nice spin, but let's see how effective it is when the subpoena's start flying, and I guarantee you that after all the fuss made by the Dems in the Plame case, the NSA leaks are going to get a very hard look by the Administration.

As Michelle Malkin adds:
I guess we'll see if and how long Risen is willing to stay in jail for his patriotic illegal leakers.

Yes we will.

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