HolyCoast: Otter (D-Mass.) and Bluto (D-Mass.)
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Friday, January 27, 2006

Otter (D-Mass.) and Bluto (D-Mass.)

"I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part," said Eric "Otter" Stratton in the classic 1978 film "Animal House." (h/t Best of the Web)
Sound familiar? How about this one:
"Everyone knows there is not enough votes to support a filibuster," (Sen. Harry) Reid said, referring to the procedural roadblock that some Democrats said should be used to put off a vote on Alito.

The Nevada Democrat said, however, he would vote for such a measure to at least send a message of opposition to the nominee. That vote will come on Monday with final confirmation set for Tuesday.
(h/t Hugh Hewitt)

Normal politicians do not like to find themselves on the losing side of a high profile vote, but apparently the Dems are going to go for it and vote to filibuster Alito even though there aren't enough votes to sustain the veto. This will ensure that a large number of Dems can be called losers...again.

Scott McClelland, press secretary to the president, was asked the White House reaction to John "Otter" Kerry's call for a "filibluster". He had this to say (h/t Bench Memos):

"I think it was a historic day yesterday. It was the first ever call for a filibuster from the slopes of Davos, Switzerland. I think even for a Senator, it takes some pretty serious yodeling to call for a filibuster from a five-star ski resort in the Swiss Alps. (Laughter.)"

And this from a prominent Republican:

"God bless John Kerry," Don Stewart, a spokesman for Judiciary Committee Republican John Cornyn, tells New York Times. "He just cinched this whole nomination. With Senator Kerry, it is Christmas every day."

And Momma Moonbat chimes in:

Gold star mother Cindy Sheehan has decided to run against California Senator Diane Feinstein if Feinstein does not filibuster the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Samuel Alito. While in Venezuela attending the World Social Forum, Sheehan learned that several Democratic Senators had announced their plans for a filibuster but that Senator Feinstein, who’s up for re-election in November, had stated she would vote against the nomination but not filibuster it. “I’m appalled that Diane Feinstein wouldn’t recognize how dangerous Alito’s nomination is to upholding the values of our constitution and restricting the usurpation of presidential powers, for which I’ve already paid the ultimate price,” Sheehan said.

Sheehan paid the ultimate price?? I thought she was still alive.

[Gomer Pyle voice] Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! [end Gomer] Feinstein has reneged on her promise to vote against a filibuster. Too bad. I would have loved to see her run against Momma Moonbat.

The cloture vote is scheduled for 4:30 pm EST Monday, with the confirmation vote coming on Tuesday...just in time for the President's State of the Union address. The timing works perfectly for Bush. If they succeed in delaying the vote beyond Tuesday morning, he can beat up the Dems in the speech. If Alito is confirmed as expected, he'll get to swear in the new Associate Justice Tuesday afternoon, and welcome him during the speech that night. In fact, Alito will probably be seated in the front row with the other members of the court who attend the speech .

I hope he turns around and sticks his tongue out at Otter and Bluto.

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