HolyCoast: Something's Rotten in Denmark
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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Something's Rotten in Denmark

The Danes are experiencing what much of Europe will surely experience in their dealing with local Muslims who are demanding restrictions on free speech...at least when it comes to Muslim topics. Of course, the Dutch have already seen a filmmaker brutally murdered on a city street, all because he had the gall to produce a movie that was critical of Islam.

According to the Brussels Journal, the Danish Prime Minister is starting to realize that he has a problem on his hands:
Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen is shocked at the way in which some Muslims are misrepresenting Denmark in the Islamic world. “I am speechless that those people, whom we have given the right to live in Denmark and where they freely have chosen to stay, are now touring Arab countries and inciting antipathy towards Denmark and the Danish people,” Rasmussen told journalists yesterday.

Rasmussen was responding to the recent visits by certain imams, Muslim intellectuals and representatives of Danish Muslim organizations who toured a number of Muslim countries to “explain” the Danish cartoon affair to local political and religious leaders and media. The affair started last September when the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons of Muhammad.

Meanwhile, after last week’s rejection of their complaint by the public prosecutor, Danish Muslim organisations have announced that they will take the newspaper to the European Court of Human Rights over the controversial publication. Islam forbids the depiction of the Muslim prophet. Carsten Juste, the editor of Jyllands-Posten repeated late last week that the daily will not apologise for publishing the cartoons: “We will not apologise, because we live in Denmark under Danish law, and we have freedom of speech in this country. If we apologised, we would betray the generations who have fought for this right, and the moderate Muslims who are democratically minded.”
This is just one more step in the process of replacing Western law with Islamic law, and unless the people stand up to the Muslims, it's just going to get worse. It won't be long until the mermaid in Copenhagen harbor is wearing a burkha.

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