HolyCoast: When a Lefty Isn't Lefty Enough
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Sunday, January 15, 2006

When a Lefty Isn't Lefty Enough

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article on Nancy Pelosi's town hall meeting up in the Gay Bay. Although most of America considers her on the extreme left edge of the political map, but San Fran Nan is just another war-mongering centrist to some of her wacky constituents:
Her opposition to the Iraq war may have earned her a reputation as a radical lefty in Washington.

But when Democratic minority leader Nancy Pelosi came home to hold a town hall meeting in San Francisco on Saturday, she was greeted like a pro-establishment warmonger.

Dozens of heckling, sign-toting anti-war protesters tried to take center stage at the congresswomen's town hall forum on national security -- calling for an immediate de-funding of the Iraq war and impeachment proceedings against President George Bush.

But the practiced Pelosi didn't miss a beat.

"This war in Iraq has been a grotesque mistake in my view -- a tragedy," Pelosi told a crowd of about 1,000 that overflowed the Marina Middle School Auditorium for the event.

Yet, as she explained that she doesn't want to immediately cut funding for those troops already in Iraq, about 40 protesters marched to the front of the stage. They faced the crowd, waving peace signs and a pink banner saying "Nancy, stop funding the war."

Hecklers in the audience chanted "No more money for war."

Pelosi just kept on talking.

If you want to know more about the sad state of the Dem party these days, read the whole thing.

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