HolyCoast: Dallas Dem Candidate Makes Startling Admission
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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Dallas Dem Candidate Makes Startling Admission

Tom Malin, Democrat running for the Texas State House from the Dallas area, made a startling admission which will, let's say 'complicate', his chances of winning the election:
A Dallas Democrat seeking election to the Texas House of Representatives has acknowledged that he once worked as a prostitute.

Tom Malin, a salesman and actor, said he no longer works as a prostitute but conceded that his previous life could cost him the nomination in the March 7 Democratic primary.

"I've made mistakes in my life, and I've stood before my creator and I've accepted responsibility for my behavior," Malin told The Dallas Morning News for its editions today.

"I've also accepted his grace and his redemption and his love and his forgiveness," and that's what is important, he said.

Archived versions of Web sites that are now defunct advertise the services of a male escort identified as Todd Sharpe. The phone number listed with Sharpe belongs to Malin, The Morning News reported.

I'm a firm believer in grace and forgiveness, and if he's gotten right with the Lord, good for him. Unfortunately, while God may be willing to forget your past, it's unlikely the voters will be so gracious and I'm sure the Dems will drop him like a hot rock. Some job categories just aren't conducive to later elective office (sort of like blogging).

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