HolyCoast: Holy Cow!
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Monday, February 13, 2006

Holy Cow!

I've kidded Catholics from time to time about the crowds which form to worship ice cream stains, burrito patterns, or water marks said to look like the Virgin Mary. However, the Muslims may have it all over Catholics when it comes to idol worship (h/t Little Green Footballs):
THOUSANDS of people flocked to southern Egypt today to seek blessing from a calf they believe was born as God’s reply to the publication in Europe of cartoons depicting the prophet, police said.

Some 20,000 thousand people had gathered in front of Mohammed Abu Dif’s house in the village of Tunis to see the holy mammal, whose skin folds when he was born reportedly formed the words “There is no God but Allah”, a police official said on condition of anonymity.

He said the villagers flocked from all over the southern governorate of Sohag to the farmer’s house and had to be dispersed by police, who feared the gathering could get out of control.

Witnesses said they believed the calf was “Allah’s response to current attacks against Islam”, the official said.

Boy, that Allah really knows how to advertise. The Hebrew God wrote his messages on stone tablets. I'll bet he never thought of writing on a cow.

UPDATE: As I was driving home after posting this, I remembered that back in 1988 a farmer somewhere in the midwest sent a picture of his Holstein cow to the people at Disney, because on one side of the cow was a perfect outline of the head of Mickey Mouse. The Disney folks bought the cow, renamed it Mickey Moo, and shipped it to California where it was put on display in the Thunder Ranch area of Frontierland.

Looking back on it, I wonder if Walt was trying to tell us something....

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