HolyCoast: Is This a Real Good Idea?
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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Is This a Real Good Idea?

U.S. port operations have long been a concern for Homeland Security folks, given the huge size of their operations, and the ability to smuggle all kinds of stuff in large, unmarked containers. So who do we want running our ports? How about an Arab company (h/t Glenn):

The city's ports, considered a major target of terrorists, are about to be taken over by a firm based in the United Arab Emirates, a country with financial links to the Sept. 11 hijackers.

Dubai Ports World is set to complete a $6.8 billion deal to purchase Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., a London company that already runs commercial port operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans and Miami.

If shareholders approve the deal tomorrow, it will give control of various dock operations at some of the country's busiest points of entry to UAE-headquartered DP World.

The FBI has said most of the money for the 2001 terror attacks was funneled to hijackers through UAE banks, and much of the planning took place in the small but rich nation east of Saudi Arabia.

Do we have a Federal Department of the Blindingly Obvious? If so, they need to get to work and put a stop to this.

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