HolyCoast: It Doesn't Take Much to Set These People Off
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Thursday, February 09, 2006

It Doesn't Take Much to Set These People Off

Apparently much of the Muslim world is just looking for an excuse to riot. This is the latest (h/t Little Green Footballs):
Lahore, February 8: At least 3,000 protesters enraged by the alleged desecration of the Koran clashed with police and torched two cinemas in Pakistan’s second largest city Lahore, police said on Wednesday.

The city, was tense after the mob rampaged through a poor neighbourhood overnight and also smashed up dozens of vehicles, local police officer Mohammad Abbas said.

The trouble erupted late on Tuesday when copies of the Muslim holy book were found lying in a drain in the Bhatta chowk area on the fringes of the sprawling city.
“The news of the desecration of the Koran spread quickly in the neighbourhood and within no time some three to four thousand people took to the streets shouting slogans against the desecration,” Abbas said.
As Charles suggests, perhaps this time Islamic rage has jumped the shark.

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