HolyCoast: Olympics Having a Rough Start
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Friday, February 10, 2006

Olympics Having a Rough Start

First there's a shortage of snow, and now the Olympic torch run has to be diverted to avoid protesters:
The Olympic torch was diverted Thursday on its first day through Turin's streets because authorities feared protests along the route could turn violent.

Police recommended a new route for the torch for the third time in a week to avoid a demonstration in a square near Turin's central station, said Roberto Pagliuca, who is overseeing the relay.

"There was no longer a guarantee that it would be a party, as it should be," Pagliuca said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.

Pagliuca said he didn't know the identity of the protesters. Apcom, the Italian news agency, identified them as anti-globalization and far-left activists.

The Italians may be in for a long couple of weeks.

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