HolyCoast: Attention Trackback Spammers
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Attention Trackback Spammers

Go away. You're not going to be successful trying to spam my trackbacks with your ads for credit repair, irritable bowel syndrome, or anything else. Every one of them is being reported as spam and are being deleted as soon as they appear. I've already deleted about 40 of your idiotic attempts in the last few days, and I'll keep on deleting them. Quit wasting your time.

If you wish to purchase an ad on my site, click on the PayPal button and deposit $1,000. Then I'll consider running your ad for whatever perverse condition you're trying to promote.

Just a little background for you non-bloggers who wonder what this is all about. Various people, who can't get anyone to read their blogs or come to their advertising sites, will try and get free advertising on other sites by posting comments or trackbacks which, of course, include links to their sites. What's really entertaining about them is the way they try and flatter their way onto your site. For instance, I had one the other day that looked something like this:

"Hey, great site. I'll be back often. By the way, did you know I had irritable bowel syndrome, and like Saul on the road to Damascus, I saw the light and found a cure which you can find at my site: (insert site address here)".
I guess I'm supposed to be flattered by the compliment - at least enough to leave the comment or trackback on the site. Wrong guess, bucko.

I had another interesting attempt at comment spam the other day. The first comment read something like this:

"Learn to play the guitar at (insert site here)."
Right after that there was another comment posted (just seconds later) that said:

"Thanks for the link to the guitar site. I learned to play the guitar because of you. I'd recommend everyone go to (insert site here) to learn to play the guitar."

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