HolyCoast: Birds Get Their Revenge
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Birds Get Their Revenge

The city of Orlando thought they were fixing a problem when they removed the cypress trees from Bird Island in order to keep the birds from fouling the water. Well what a bird supposed to do without their favorite trees when nature calls ? Go to town, that's what:
Signs warning of bird droppings were posted along a stretch in downtown Orlando this week after cars, benches, sidewalks, plants and even people are hit and covered by the white bird waste, according to a Local 6 News report.

The problem began when city workers removed cypress trees on "bird island" at Lake Eola in Orlando.

The trees had to be removed because the bird droppings were polluting the water, according to the report.

Now, the birds have moved into the city and are covering anything and anyone between Lake Eola and Central Avenue with droppings.
"You have to brace yourself for the smell," downtown resident James Taylor said. "It is a really bad stench. It is disgusting, absolutely disgusting."

"I was walking the other day and got pooed on walking under these trees," Orlando resident Lisa Valentine said. "Somebody told me it was good luck."
Looks like there's a lot of luck going around there. And can the folks of Orlando do anything about the birds? No.
Federal law prohibits the bird nests in Orlando from being disturbed.
Good luck!

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