HolyCoast: Evangelical Teens Receive Official Condemnation from Gay Bay
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Monday, March 27, 2006

Evangelical Teens Receive Official Condemnation from Gay Bay

It's interesting that the most intolerant citizens in our society are usually those which demand the most tolerance from everyone else. Such is that case with the City of San Francisco, that paragon of love and tolerance, which not only withdrew the welcome mat, but officially condemned a gathering of 25,000 evangelical teenagers:
More than 25,000 evangelical Christian youth landed Friday in San Francisco for a two-day rally at AT&T Park against "the virtue terrorism" of popular culture, and they were greeted by an official city condemnation and a clutch of protesters who said their event amounted to a "fascist mega-pep rally."

"Battle Cry for a Generation" is led by a 44-year-old Concord native, Ron Luce, who wants "God's instruction book" to guide young people away from the corrupting influence of popular culture.

Luce, whose Teen Mania organization is based in Texas, kicked off a three-city "reverse rebellion" tour Friday night intended to counter a popular culture that he says glamorizes violence and sex.

And how about this display of tolerance from a local politician:
And then he plans to return to San Francisco next year to chart their progress.

That's bad news to Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, who told counterprotesters at City Hall on Friday that while such fundamentalists may be small in number, "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco."

For those of you who aren't familiar with politics in California, Leno is a homosexual assemblyman/woman/it who has spent his entire legislative career trying to legalize gay marriage in California. Now if I were to suggest that the mincing drag queens, transexuals and crossdressers who are regular features in Gay Bay parades were "loud, obnoxious and disgusting", I would immediately be branded as hateful and homophobic. So what's that make Leno? I guess threatening to bring salvation to the Sodomites has got his g-string in a twist.

If you read the full report on SFGate.com you'll see the Christian kids painted as kooks and intolerant rubes, while the local city officials and gay activists are supposedly the sane ones. Not unexpected from the Gay Bay media.

I don't know anything about the Christian organization which is planning this rally, but the virulence of the local reaction tells me they're probably on the right track.

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