HolyCoast: Gallup Dumps CNN
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Gallup Dumps CNN

It's always sad when a long relationship comes to an end (from Special Report):
Speaking of Gallup, the polling organization is ending its 14-year relationship with CNN citing the network's declining viewership.

In a memo to employees last week, CEO Jim Clifton praised the past relationship with CNN, but said "it is not the right alignment for our future," adding, "CNN has far fewer viewers than it did in the past, and we feel that our brand was getting lost and diluted."

But CNN is calling the memo "unprofessional" and "in every respect untrue," saying Clifton told CNN he was ending the partnership because "the CNN brand was so dominant that Gallup wasn't getting the attention for the polls that they wanted."
There is no truth to the rumor that future polls will be called "Gallup/Cartoon Network".

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