HolyCoast: Ingrates Finally Say Thanks (sort of)
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Friday, March 24, 2006

Ingrates Finally Say Thanks (sort of)

I wrote yesterday about the Christian Peacemakers who gave thanks for the "release" of their fellow peaceniks, but failed to even mention the troops who secured their release. That story has gotten a lot of attention throughout the conservative media, and the peacemakers are feeling the heat for the unChristian attitude. Tonight they added an addenda to their statement:

Addenda 23 March 2006, 9 p.m. ET
We have been so overwhelmed and overjoyed to have Jim, Harmeet and Norman freed, that we have not adequately thanked the people involved with freeing them, nor remembered those still in captivity. So we offer these paragraphs as the first of several addenda (h/t Michelle Malkin):

We are grateful to the soldiers who risked their lives to free Jim, Norman and Harmeet.

BUT then the belated, grudging expression of gratitude is immediately followed by this:

As peacemakers who hold firm to our commitment to nonviolence, we are also deeply grateful that they fired no shots to free our colleagues. We are thankful to all the people who gave of themselves sacrificially to free Jim, Norman, Harmeet and Tom over the last four months, and those supporters who prayed and wept for our brothers in captivity, for their loved ones and for us, their co-workers.

We will continue to lift Jill Carroll up in our prayers for her safe return. In addition, we will continue to advocate for the human rights of Iraqi detainees and assert their right to due process in a just legal system.

I knew they couldn't find it in their hearts to be gracious. They still had to get their little political slam in after their half-hearted thanks for the troops.

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