HolyCoast: Morally Dubious Awards
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Morally Dubious Awards

I like John Leo's piece at RealClearPolitics.com on morally dubious awards given out by schools and organizations around the country. Here are a couple of examples:
Stanford University gives the Allan Cox medal each year for faculty excellence in guiding student research. Cox was a professor of geophysics and dean of the school of earth sciences at Stanford. He committed suicide in 1987 while under investigation for sexually molesting the son of a former student. The molesting allegedly went on for five years, starting when the boy was 14.

One of the most elegant prep schools, Phillips Exeter Academy, gives an annual Edmund E. Perry Award for "diversity and cultural awareness." Perry was an outstanding black student at Phillips Exeter who was shot to death in Harlem while trying to mug a plainclothes cop.
There are a bunch more - read it all here.

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