HolyCoast: NY Kindergartners Get AIDS Instruction
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Friday, March 17, 2006

NY Kindergartners Get AIDS Instruction

Whose bright idea was this?

Along with the ABC's, kindergartners will now learn about HIV.

Beginning Monday, kindergartners in public schools will be told that HIV is a "germ" and "not easy to get."

The kids also will learn that HIV could lead to AIDS, which is hard to "get well" from, according to the city's new HIV/AIDS curriculum.

The changes are required by state law - but some parents and teachers fear kindergartners are too young to talk about the deadly disease.

"I don't think it is appropriate. It's scary for kids in kindergarten," said a Manhattan mom whose daughter attends kindergarten at Public School 166 on the upper West Side.

"How do you talk about AIDS without talking about sex and drugs?" she asked.

This is clearly an inappropriate subject for kids this age. They can't possibly comprehend the subject or put it in any kind of context. For some reason, activists have decided that we're all better off if we destroy our kid's innocence as early as possible. There will be hell to pay later.

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