HolyCoast: Scalia Doesn't Care Much for Detainee Rights
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Monday, March 27, 2006

Scalia Doesn't Care Much for Detainee Rights

Newsweek has a story on comments made by Associate Justice Scalia regarding detainees rights, a case which will come before the Supreme Court soon:
The Supreme Court this week will hear arguments in a big case: whether to allow the Bush administration to try Guantánamo detainees in special military tribunals with limited rights for the accused. But Justice Antonin Scalia has already spoken his mind about some of the issues in the matter. During an unpublicized March 8 talk at the University of Freiburg in Switzerland, Scalia dismissed the idea that the detainees have rights under the U.S. Constitution or international conventions, adding he was "astounded" at the "hypocritical" reaction in Europe to Gitmo. "War is war, and it has never been the case that when you captured a combatant you have to give them a jury trial in your civil courts," he says on a tape of the talk reviewed by NEWSWEEK. "Give me a break." Challenged by one audience member about whether the Gitmo detainees don't have protections under the Geneva or human-rights conventions, Scalia shot back: "If he was captured by my army on a battlefield, that is where he belongs. I had a son on that battlefield and they were shooting at my son and I'm not about to give this man who was captured in a war a full jury trial. I mean it's crazy." Scalia was apparently referring to his son Matthew, who served with the U.S. Army in Iraq. Scalia did say, though, that he was concerned "there may be no end to this war."
Of course, the antiwar/civil rights for terrorists crowd will sieze upon this to demand that Scalia recuse himself from the case. They clearly won't want him in on the deliberations, though I'm sure Scalia is able to divorce his personal feelings from the applicable case law.

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