HolyCoast: Students Fight Back Against Pro-Mexico Protests
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Friday, March 31, 2006

Students Fight Back Against Pro-Mexico Protests

Not all students are enthused with the pro-Mexico tone of the ongoing illegal immigration demonstrations. Yesterday some students fought back:

Tensions over immigration reform heightened in the Phoenix area's East Valley Thursday when students raised a Mexican flag over Apache Junction High School — and then other students yanked it down and burned it.

"I know (they) shouldn't have burned the Mexican flag," said Jacob Stewart, a 16-year-old sophomore. "I heard it was raised above the American flag and that just irked me."


The Hispanic student who brought the Mexican flag said he was responding to a remark directed at him Wednesday. The flag-raising, flag-burning, and shoving match that followed happened before most students arrived at school.

Had these demonstrations not included the pro-Mexico tone with all the Mexican flags flying, there wouldn't be as much bad blood being created. However, the marchers insist on being stupid, and more incidents like this are likely.

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