HolyCoast: They Just Don't Make Peace Signs Like They Used To
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Sunday, March 19, 2006

They Just Don't Make Peace Signs Like They Used To

Today was what is commonly known as a "moronic convergence" as the antiwar crowd (or small gatherings, as it were) got together to protest the war in Iraq. Unfortunately, the modern day protesters were apparently not trained well by their 60's "love" generation parents - at least when it comes to drawing peace symbols. This gal is apparently antiwar, but pro-Mercedes Benz (h/t Michelle Malkin).
Definitely poor training - peace signs have three legs pointed down, sort of like chicken feet.

I was watching some of the coverage in L.A. When the protest leader was asked why so few people showed up, he had a unique excuse. He stated that the whole country is now antiwar, and therefore didn't need to come to the protest. How convenient.

And then there's this from Gateway Pundit:

The best line of the day comes from A. M. Mora y Leon at Publius Pundit:

"Not many people want to go to these stupid irrational things anymore, not after “peace mom” Cindy Sheehan kissed Iran ally Hugo Chavez on the lips."

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