HolyCoast: Tough Day Today
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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Tough Day Today

After a phone call last night, we decided we better make a trip up to Santa Paula to check on my mother-in-law. After spending some time with her and seeing her condition, we elected to call for an ambulance to take her to the hospital. It looks like she may have come to the point in life where she will no longer be able to live in the house she's lived in since the early 50's. Because of her physical condition, and the fact that her husband of more than 50 years can no longer care for her needs, some form of managed care will probably be necessary, and as you can image, that's pretty tough on all concerned.

We're spending the night in Santa Paula, and she'll be in the hospital for several days while they try and deal with some of her medical issues. After that will come the really tough decisions.

I've always joked with my mom that if she ever got really bad, I'd wheel her out to the end of the pier, push her off, and wait a respectable 10 minutes or so before calling for help. Of course, it was always just a joke, and now that we're faced with a tough situation with my mother-in-law, answers don't come quite so readily.

Your prayers would be appreciated.

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